Preservative and fragrance free, specifically for sensitive skin and clinically proven to restore smooth, healthy skin. Color variations occur due to the nature of the ingredients in the product, but do not affect product safety and performance.
One essential solution for many skin care needs: use as a lip moisturizer, hand cream, foot cream for dry cracked feet, minor wound care and much more!
Aquaphor Healing Ointment is a white translucent to light yellow ointment.
Different from a lotion or cream, this ointment nourishes skin while creating a protective barrier that allows for the flow of oxygen to create an ideal healing environment
Three (3) 2.8 oz. Jars - Great for at home, or travel
-Regularly being in contact with water, hand soap, hand sanitizer, or harsh weather can lead to dry, cracked hands and cuticles.
-Apply Aquaphor Healing Ointment before bed as a treatment for dry cracked hands to add moisture for improved healing.
Aquaphor Healing Ointment - Skin Protectant for Dry Skin (Pack of 3)
Preservative and fragrance free, specifically for sensitive skin and clinically proven to restore smooth, healthy skin. Color variations occur due to the nature of the ingredients in the product, but do not affect product safety and performance.
One essential solution for many skin care needs: use as a lip moisturizer, hand cream, foot cream for dry cracked feet, minor wound care and much more!
Aquaphor Healing Ointment is a white translucent to light yellow ointment.
Different from a lotion or cream, this ointment nourishes skin while creating a protective barrier that allows for the flow of oxygen to create an ideal healing environment
Three (3) 2.8 oz. Jars - Great for at home, or travel
-Regularly being in contact with water, hand soap, hand sanitizer, or harsh weather can lead to dry, cracked hands and cuticles.
-Apply Aquaphor Healing Ointment before bed as a treatment for dry cracked hands to add moisture for improved healing.